Core Membership

Covenant Partner
What is a covenant partner?
In a fast-paced, wave-on-the-way by culture, we want Covenant Church to stand out as a Gospel-centered community on mission together for Jesus. Therefore, we want joining the body to actually mean something. Rather than just being a name on a list, or a "check the box at the end of the service" moment, we want people to partner with us, sacrifice generously, and serve the mission of Jesus together as we seek to make disciple-making disciples.
Covenant Partners are those who feel called to partner with the ministry of Covenant Church. They commit to one another to:
the unity of
Covenant Church
By acting in love toward one another | John 13:35
By refusing to gossip | Eph. 4:29
By following the leadership team | Heb. 13:17
By living a Godly life | 1 Cor. 10:31
the responsibility of
Covenant Church
By praying for its growth | Phil. 1:3-5
By inviting the unengaged to attend | Luke 14:23
By warmly welcoming those who visit | Rom. 15:7
By giving regularly | 2 Cor 9:6-7
the ministry of
Covenant Church
By discovering my gifts and talents | 1 Pet. 4:10
By being equipped to serve | Eph. 4:11-12
By developing a servant’s heart | Phil. 2:3-4
By attending church gatherings faithfully | Heb. 10:24-25

Ready to Join us?
Great! Intentionally connecting as a part of our missional family is easy and ... well ... intentional.
Below are several steps and why each one exists.
Fill out our connection card on Sunday to let us know how you prefer to be contacted or contact us through our website to let us know you are desiring to commit to gospel mission with Covenant Church.
Read through our church covenant to discover who we are and how you fit in.
Attend a breakfast, lunch, or dinner with any of our affirmation leaders to ask any questions you want.
Moving from the first-time attendee to a fully involved member is indeed our hope at Covenant Church.
We look forward to partnering with you on mission through community groups, family events, foreign missions, laughter, tears, successes, pain, worship gatherings, birthday parties, ballparks, arts, and everything else that life has to offer.