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Covenant Church is a host church for Omnia Classical School. They moved into and have existed on the property of Covenant Church since August 2023. Below, you will find an excerpt from their website outlining their Educational Distinctives:


"Since the Bible places primary responsibility for a child’s education upon parents, Omnia Classical School exists to assist parents in fulfilling this responsibility. Omnia Classical School employs a refined classical method informed by an orthodox and reformed Christian tradition to teach students how to learn, to love learning, to reason precisely and logically, and to communicate clearly and persuasively. Essential to the methods employed is our recognition that God’s truth, as revealed in Scripture, is the core of all learning and knowledge. This truth unites all disciplines and allows the traditional subject areas of education to be taught as an integrated whole. The goal of education at Omnia Classical School is to prepare each student for a lifetime of learning, living in submission to the principles of Scripture, knowing and loving God with his mind as well as his heart, and utilizing his individual gifts for the glory of God.


Omnia Classical School distinguishes itself both from state schools and from other private and Christian schools. In contrast to the approach of state schools, Omnia Classical School both acknowledges and expects that children are their parents’ responsibility. Particularly, the Bible instructs the father to bring up his child in the “training and instruction of the Lord.” Ephesians 6:4. Therefore, this school is designed to assist parents who wish to have their children well educated from a Christian and Biblical perspective in all disciplines. In contrast to other Christian schools, the classical model does not simply seek to create a Christian environment by adding a class in Bible to what would otherwise be an acceptable curriculum at a state operated school. Rather, the Biblical worldview is central to every aspect of a classical Christian education."


To learn more about Omnia Classical School, you can email the deans or go to their website (both tagged below).

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